Article submission

Although most content is commissioned by the Editorial Board, unsolicited contributions are also welcome. We predominantly publish review articles, case studies and opinion pieces, but original research will also be considered. Before submitting a full article, you may first wish to submit a brief outline to the Editor.

Your article should be original, topical and not previously published elsewhere. It should be clear and reasonably concise: a length of 1,200–1,800 words is ideal. References should be listed in the Vancouver style, with ideally no more than 15–20 cited, due to space constraints.

Articles should have an introduction, a conclusion, a set of key points, and be divided into sections using subheadings. When writing your article, please bear in mind that the audience may include all members of the multidisciplinary team. Authors are encouraged to include two or three illustrations or tables, with all sources referenced and consent for reproduction obtained.

Articles will be reviewed by the Editor or Editorial Board. If accepted for publication, articles may be amended for clarity, consistency and in keeping with house style, or shortened for reasons of space. Proofs will be sent out for author review before publication.

Full details are available in the Notes for authors.

Please submit all articles or enquiries to

Viral hepatitis in practice was previously supported by Gilead Sciences from 2015 to 2016, by Gilead Sciences and Janssen in 2014, by Gilead Sciences and Roche Products in 2013 and by Gilead Sciences from 2009 to 2012.

The data, opinions and statements appearing in the articles herein are those of the contributor(s) concerned; they are not necessarily endorsed by the sponsor, publisher, Editor or Editorial Board. Accordingly the sponsor, publisher, Editor and Editorial Board and their respective employees, officers and agents accept no liability for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement.

The title Viral hepatitis in practice is the property of Hayward Medical Publishing and PMGroup Worldwide Ltd and, together with the content, is bound by copyright. Copyright © 2019 PMGroup Worldwide Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained on the site may not be reproduced, distributed or published, in whole or in part, in any form without the permission of the publishers. All correspondence should be addressed to:

ISSN 2041-1162 (Print)  ISSN 2045-7863 (Online)